Councillors and Clerk contact details (with areas of responsibility)

Name Contact details
Andrew Lewis (Chair, Website, DPO, SALC representative)
Josie Bassinette (Car Parks,  Highways, Sizewell C & other energy projects)
Esme Richardson (Playing field/playground equipment H&S)
Peter Watson (Village Hall and Heritage Hut)

Lee Sutton (Playing field/playground equipment H&S)

Rebecca Whiting (Vice-Chair, Footpaths, Village News, NDP)
Emilie Dadswell (Footpaths, H&S)
Simon Ashton (RFO)
Mark Knight (Clerk)
Correspondence to:


The Heritage Hut,

The Green,


IP18 6TT


Next Parish Council Meeting: The next scheduled meeting of Walberswick Parish Council will be at 7PM on Monday 14th October 2024 in the Heritage Hut, The Green, Walberswick. This meeting is open for the public to attend either in person or remotely (via Zoom). Anybody who wishes to attend remotely should email: BEFORE 6PM on the day of the meeting for connection details

Note: Follow the link to see the agenda and associated papers for each meeting of WPC, which are published on this website at least 3 days (not including Sundays and Public Holidays) before the meeting takes place

Follow the link to see the schedule of meetings up until May 2025


27th November 2024 - The next scheduled meeting of Walberswick Parish Council Safety Committee will be at 7PM on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 in the Heritage Hut, The Green, Walberswick. This meeting is open for the public to attend either in person or remotely (via Zoom). Anybody who wishes to attend remotely should email: BEFORE 6PM on the day of the meeting for connection details. Follow the link to see the Agenda for the Safety Committee meeting


13th September 2024: Accounts 2023/24: Follow the links to see the documents relating to the External Audit of the 2023-24 accounts:

Notice of Conclusion of External Audit, Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/4 Audited, External Audit Report and Certificate.


30th July 2024 - Temporary Traffic Order - Notice to Close Public Rights of Way - 1st September to 30th November 2024

Walberswick Bridleway 21 – Full length

Walberswick Bridleway 21X – Full length

Walberswick Footpath 17X – From Walberswick Footpath 20 to Walberswick Footpath 19

Walberswick Footpath 19 – From Walberswick Footpath 17 to Walberswick Bridleway 21X

Walberswick Footpath 20 – Full length

Please see the MAP and NOTICE TO CLOSE on these links.


14th June 2024: 2023/24 Accounts: Follow the links to see the documents relating to the Internal Audit of the 2023-24 accountsAccounting Statements, AGAR Annual Internal Audit Report, Annual Governance StatementNotice of Public RightsSummary of Public Rights


A newly elected Councillor has to sign an undertaking, as part of their written declaration of acceptance of office, that they will observe the LGA Code of Conduct (adopted in unmodifed form by the Parish Council in May 2022 and re-adopted in May 2023). In addition, all Councillors have to complete a Register of Interests within 28 days of the election, which is available for anyone to view. Follow the link for more details on Register of Interests (Note: This policy is hosted on an external website and will open in a new tab).


All planning applications relevant to Walberswick are listed and updated regularly. They are linked to the East Suffolk website where you can see all the available documents.
Walberswick Parish Council is committed to providing and presenting up-to-date and accurate information. However, Walberswick Parish Council gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this website and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information. Although Walberswick Parish Council takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided to it from third parties is not defamatory or offensive, Walberswick Parish Council cannot control the content of or take responsibility for external websites or information maintained or provided by external providers. Please note that the inclusion of an organisation does not constitute a recommendation by Walberswick Parish Council of the organisation or an indication that Walberswick Parish Council agrees with or in any way shares the organisation's objectives, principles or operational methods.