In January 2021 Walberswick Parish Council formally adopted a policy on the use of its Village Greens, which can be seen by following the link to Policy Statements

A map of the Village Greens controlled by Walberswick Parish Council can be seen by following the link to Map of Walberswick Village Greens

Walberswick Village Greens are formally registered with Suffolk County Council and the relevant entries in the register of Village Greens and Common Land can be seen by following the links to Village Green, Jubliee Green and Ferry Knoll, Bell Green 1 and Bell Green 2

Ownership of the Village Greens in Walberswick was decided by the Commons Commissioner and the final decision notices can be seen by following the links to Village Green and Jubillee Green, Ferry Knoll, Bell Green no.1 and Bell Green No.2

Any questons regarding the use of the Village Greens in Walberswick should be referred via email to the Parish Clerk at: